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Research and Insights 2022

Reports and Working Papers

NEM 25 years on.JPG

"The National Electricity Market 25 years on: outcomes and prospects"

In "Captured! The political economy of Australian Neoliberal Public Policy" • Edited by Phil Toner and Michael Rafferty • Sydney University Press • November 2022

Download the Abstract by clicking on the image left.


The Future of Decentralized Electricity Distribution Networks

Published in The future of distributed electricity networks • Edited by Fereidoon Sioshanshi 2022

Available on request.

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VEPC Submission on VNI-West Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR)

VEPC Submission by Bruce Mountain • September 2022

Download the report (6.4mbs) by clicking on the image (left).

rewiring the nation report

Electricity storage: the critical electricity policy challenge for our new Government. A policy proposal

VEPC Report by Bruce Mountain, Peter Harris, Ted Woodley and Peter Sheehan • May 2022

Download the report (6.4mbs) by clicking on the image (left).

ISP Submission (2). report

VEPC submission to The Australian Energy Market Operator's 2022 Draft Integrated System Plan

VEPC Report by Bruce Mountain, Ted Woodley and Hugh Outhred • February 2022

Download the report (6.4mbs) by clicking on the image (left).

Presentations, Webinars and Podcasts

Is Marinus Link right for Tasmania?


A presentation by Prof Bruce Mountain • Prepared for Tasmanian Climate Collective webinar • 8 November 2022 

Download the PowerPoint presentation by clicking on the image to the right.

Is Marinus Link right for Tasmania.JPG

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Energy expert Bruce Mountain on what to do about the gas crisis


Michelle Grattan & Prof Bruce Mountain • The Conversation • 3 November 2022 

Download the Podcast by clicking on the image to the right.


How and when we might get energy prices back to some level of normal


A presentation by Prof Bruce Mountain • Prepared for Vernier Society Lunchtime Talk • 14 July 2022 

Download the PowerPoint presentation (2.9mb) by clicking on the image to the right.

Vernier society. report

Marinus and Battery of the Nation, a brilliant idea … or not?


A presentation by Prof Bruce Mountain • Prepared for Economics Society of Australia, Annual Conference of Economists • 13 July 2022 

Download the PowerPoint presentation (2.9mb) by clicking on the image to the right.

Marinus and Battery of the nation.presentation

Electricity storage: the critical electricity policy challenge for our new Government


A presentation by Prof Bruce Mountain • Prepared for CEC Wind Directorate • 12 July 2022 

Download the PowerPoint presentation (2.9mb) by clicking on the image to the right.

Electricity storage critical electricity policy.

Initial reflections on the ESB's Capacity Mechanism and Other Options for Consideration


A presentation by Prof Bruce Mountain • Prepared for Smart Energy Council, Victoria Energy Summit
22 June 2022 

Download the PowerPoint presentation (2.9mb) by clicking on the image to the right.

ESB presentation.

Electricity storage: the critical electricity policy challenge for our new Government


A paper by Prof Bruce Mountain, Peter Harris, Ted Woodley and Peter Sheehan • Melbourne Economic Forum • 9 June 2022 

Download the PowerPoint presentation (2.9mb) by clicking on the image to the right.

Melbourne Economic Forum.


Will price caps on coal and gas bring power prices down? An expert isn't so sure

Bruce Mountain, The Conversation, 9 December


Does Rewiring the Nation's concessional finance really change the case for Marinus?

Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 19 October


The end of coal-fired power is in sight, even with private interests holding out

Bruce Mountain, The Conversation, 10 October


How home batteries can be good money spinners – and lessen the need for subsidies

Bruce Mountain and Ben Willey, Renew Economy, 20 September


For the billions UK is spending on power bill subsidies, we could decarbonise our entire grid

Bruce Mountain, The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 September


Labor's renewable target is much more ambitious than it seems. We need the best bang-for-buck policy responses

Bruce Mountain, The Conversation, 12 July

Our spectacular energy failure: governments hobbled the market and now they must rescue it

Bruce Mountain, The Age, 17 June

Australia needs lots of storage, more transmission, and regulators who can factor in emissions

Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 2 June

Labor's rewiring the nation plan is the wrong answer

Bruce Mountain and Peter Harris, The Australian Financial Review, 1 June

Why are power prices likely to keep surging, and where do we go from here?

Bruce Mountain, Smart Company, 30 May

Expect more power price hikes - a 1970s - style energy shock is on the cards

Bruce Mountain, The Conversation, 27 May

Electricity prices are spiking, ten times as much as normal. Here are some educated guesses as to why

Bruce Mountain, The Conversation, 11 May

What has Morrison's 'big stick' to cut power bills achieved? Nothing, as far as we can tell

Kelly Burns, The Conversation, 7 April 

How to value transmission? Why Marinus has less chance of covering costs than Basslink

Bruce Mountain and Ben Willey, Renew Economy, 11 March

Victoria's offshore wind plan is biggest thing since Loy Yang. Shame the media missed it

Bruce Mountain, Renew Economy, 7 March

The battle for AGL heralds a new dawn for Australian electricity

Bruce Mountain, The Conversation, 21 Feb

Labor's plan to green the Kurri Kurri gas power plant makes no sense

Bruce Mountain, The Conversation, 2 Feb

Taxpayers' money for Marinus Link would be Tasmania pork

Bruce Mountain and Ted Woodley, The Australian Financial Review, 12 Jan

Victoria Energy Policy Centre

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© 2025. Victoria Energy Policy Centre, The Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities (ISILC), Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
Hero image by Sardar Faizan on Unsplash 
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